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If you are a business owner and would like to learn more about how to ''put your business on display every day'' with Town Planner Community Calendar print & digital products, please contact your local publisher, Adrienne Harless (337) 380-7093 harless@townplanner.com.
If you would like to add YOUR event to this newsletter, simply join as a Town Planner member and start adding your local events today. It is free and easy! Include photos, website links, and Google maps to increase your attendance. Sign up at: https://www.townplanner.com/general-information/signup/
The Town Planner is one of the most powerful advertising tools available to you. The reason is that the Town Planner is not ''junk mail'' or a cheap sheet full of ads that makes it way straight from the mailbox to the trash can. The Town Planner is a beautiful and useful full-sized wall calendar that homeowners want to keep. They hang the Town Planner up on their fridge, in their office, by their front door, anywhere where they know they'll be able to see it every day. This means that they're also seeing your ad or coupon every day. An independent study by the Verafast Corporation confirms that over 70% of those who receive the Town Planner keep it on hand throughout the year.
- A beautiful wall calendar, built for your home town
- A Powerful Advertising Tool for the Small Business Owner
- Town Planner has been going strong in communities throughout America for over 38 years.